Matt Wansley - MCA Staff

May 21, 20202 min

MCA Newsletter Launch

We have entered a new frontier - Newsletters! A leap into 'digital mass mail' seemed like a natural progression as we continue to expand the idea of what is means to be The Mechanical Contractors Association in Oklahoma. We've come a long way toward achieving that goal this past year, starting with a name change to better reflect our mission. 

Why Change from MCA of Eastern Oklahoma?

We established ourselves 62 years ago and remain the only MCAA chartered chapter in the state. Our leadership takes the responsibility of promoting our local industry very seriously and believes a name change better reflects our long standing mission to do so. 

Tell Me More About MCAA

Established in 1891, MCAA is the largest and most influential mechanical contractors trade group in North America. Representing thousands of contractors, hundreds of manufacturers and suppliers, and 59 student chapter across the continent - the Mechanical Contractors Association of America is the industry standard.

How do I get Involved?

Great question! The best way to get involved is to attend our monthly luncheons. Our face-to-face networking sessions will always be the ideal way to get the full membership experience. But we also understand that taking an extended lunch might not work for your busy schedule. That's why I am pleased to announce that we are working to create a library of Virtual Owner Education Sessions (VOES) as well as committing to virtual local meetings when appropriate - all exclusive for MCA of Oklahoma members. 

You're Appreciated!

I like to personally thank you for your continued work in our important and essential industry. And I hope those of you whom I have not met, reach out to discuss opportunities on how to get involved. There is always room for those looking to grow their knowledge and business! 

Membership opportunities can be found here

Matt Wansley

Executive Director, MCA of Oklahoma
